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Road dust wheels
Written by Ed Jurdi and Gordy Quist

They came in boats, they came in cars
Travelled halfway across the sky through the stars
Left their families, and their homes, and their loved-ones all alone
And the memory of their love, lingers on
The memory of their love, lingers on

Across the fields in the hot midday sun
Dust kicking up from the wheels on the blacktop sun
Ride on so close to the ground, live life without making sound
And the memory of their love, lingers on

Nothing to hear but the hum and whine of the tires
Nothing to see but the mind's playing tricks on the eyes

Reaching home as the band played on
Cool breath of breeze, under trees, in the hot midday sun
Lay by the river and dream, watch life disappear in between
And the memory of their love, lingers on
Lay by the river and dream, watch life disappear in between
And the memory of their love, lingers on