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God Fearing Blues (Eady)

I got baptized when I was ten
I got a little dirty so I did it again
The preacher said son why are you back so soon
I said "let's get this done I've got things to do"
I was saved in the morning and back that afternoon


I sing hallelujah and I shout amen
I wrestle with the devil and sometimes I win
Sometimes I lose
Well I hate to disappoint you but I've got these
No good living, hard time loving, roadhouse singing, good time god fearing blues

I turned eighteen and I left home
God blessed my soul and I was ready to roam
I got to the desert and I turned around
Nobody ever told me about the things I found
I went down to the river, this time I thought I might drown


I keep my hands in my pocket and keep my thoughts to myself
I keep my liquor on the very top shelf
It's good to meet you preacher but I just can't stay
I'm going to get to heaven but I'm going my way
I may see you Sunday morning or I'll see you on judgment day


I've got these no good living, hard time loving, roadhouse singing, good time god fearing blues