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07. December 2011  Esbjerg (DK) - Tobakken


First Set
01) LA County Blues (Short Version)
02) Unsleeping Eye
03) Hey Rider
04) Bumblebee
05) Polaroid
06) Bella Negra
07) You´re gonna miss me
08) Gris Gris Satchel
09) Blood in the Water
10) Quinn the Eskimo

Second Set
01) Jackson Station
02) Talking out loud
03) Jenny was a Keeper
04) Rehab Facility
05) Wilson and Otis (Requested by Markus)
06) Motherland
07) Medicine Man
08) Never been to Spain

Encore 1
08) Millionaire
09) Hurricane

Encore 2
10) Sin City

2 Hours 15 Minutes / Thank you Ute!